Q: What should I expect at these “parties”?
A: Footnight is Boston’s longest-running foot fetish play party – established over 20 years ago by it’s Founder Steve Savage – with the Boston chapter started by Princess Kali – now run by Goddess Lilith. We provide a safe space in a discreet, private location, where you can explore your foot fetish, and sometimes other fetishes as well. The parties are small, and intimate gatherings – not like going out to a club or house party. On average you can expect around 6-8 models at each event, and around 6-8 fellow attendees. Unlike some other similar parties you may have been to or heard of, Footnight New England cares about, and works hard to create an even ratio of models to guys, so that no one is standing around waiting for sessions too long. We aren’t fans of the sausage party scenario – so don’t worry about that, because it doesn’t happen here! Even if models occasionally have to cancel due to unforseen circumstances, we always have a waiting list of models for every party, so we are ready to swap in other models if needed.
All of our models are real, authentic people who actually enjoy these activities! They are hand-selected by the organizers and include everything from girl next door types, college cuties, pinup models, stage performers, Dominant Goddesses, and more. *Please note that our events are NOT designed to help you meet a girlfriend or a longterm Domme. They are to provide a safe and accepting space without judgement, where it is easy to indulge in your foot fantasies, with no questions asked! No awkward explanations needed – Get straight to the point and dive right in! Everyone is here for the same reason, so there’s nothing to be shy about. There are very few other types of spaces that give you this type of freedom without judgement!
There are common mingling areas at the venue where you can get to know the models, but we recommend not lingering in these areas for too long — be assertive, introduce yourself to a model (if she doesn’t introduce herself first!), and take her to one of our semi-private session spaces! (Semi-private meaning, Closed doors are not allowed – the organizers need to be able to monitor activity and model safety.)
*Please Note: There is NO nudity, sexual activity, or drugs of any kind allowed at our events, EVER. Please do not ask our organizers or models for anything like this. No illegal activities are allowed!*
Q: I’m nervous about being seen at one of these – Will I see anyone I know? What if I get outed?
In 17 years, it has never happened at a single one of our parties. The chances of you running into someone you know are INCREDIBLY low. (If it somehow did happen, the person you know will feel the same way about keeping it secret!) These events are very small and intimate, and always in private locations. Each attendee and model signs a privacy waiver upon entry. All of your information is also kept private! We require that you provide a legal ID matching the name you RSVP with, to make sure everyone is an adult, and to have your information checked to keep our models safe. Safety is our number one priority at Footnight. If you’re not comfortable showing your ID, you won’t be able to attend the party.
Q: Where is the location?
The location of the foot party events varies from time to time, to allow guests and models from North, South, and West of Boston to be able to attend. Our events sometimes extend to RI and NH as well. Usually, the parties are held at a private residential location, but can sometimes be at nightclubs or community spaces around New England. We strive to make sure the majority of our venues are easily accessible both by car and public transit, while also in areas with plenty of parking. When you purchase a ticket to an event, the location will be emailed to you, usually the morning of the party.
Q: Can I make special requests for the models?
Yes, absolutely! If you seek out something specific, please email us directly, once you’ve purchased your ticket, and we will accommodate your needs! Whether it’s for smelly, ticklish, submissive, or Dominant feet – or any other light fetish play that does not involve nudity. We are happy to make it happen for you!
Q: Can I bring a friend/wife/girlfriend?
A: Absolutely. We especially welcome couples. Simply purchase a second ticket for your companion, and you’re good to go!
Q: How can I make a good impression at the party?
Great question! First and foremost, be polite and respectful of models’ limits and boundaries at all times. DO NOT just jump into something like tickling, or putting a model’s foot down your throat without asking her first, as this can freak out the models and is also quite simply disrespectful. If our models become uncomfortable, they may not return, and we don’t enjoy losing our models over circumstances like this. Every model has different limits and boundaries, and it is not okay to assume every model will like everything you want to explore. Ask first. Remember that there are real people attached to these feet. CONSENT MATTERS.
Other things you can do to make a good first impression include:
- Having proper hygiene – your clothes should be clean and body odor should not be present. There is no official dress code at the party, but be sure your appearance is not unkempt. If your body odor is strong enough to make others uncomfortable, you may be asked to leave the event, and a refund will not be granted.
- Bring a food or drink item to the party. Models love healthy snacks like fruit plates. Beer or wine is appropriate – Hard liquor is not. Water is provided at the event.
- Bring extra cash to tip the models with! It is customary to tip models extra if you really appreciate them – then they will really appreciate you!
- Shower the models with compliments! Let them know what you love about their feet, or their whole look. Many of the newer models are shy, nervous, and even a little self-conscious. They’re probably just as nervous as you if it’s your first time! Help put them at ease by making them smile.
- Don’t attempt to solicit the models. Firstly, many of them only do sessions at events like this and get uncomfortable upon being asked about private sessions. Secondly, it’s against the party rules. Solicitation of our models is strictly not okay – and if you attempt to do so, they’ll report back and you may be banned from the events.
Q: What about tipping the models?
Tipping is required for every session Your ticket price pays ONLY for your entry to the party (which contributes to the overhead costs of the event space, as well as the time required by the organizers and event hosts to put on such an event.) Tipping is done with cash only that you must bring. Further information will be provided upon ticket purchase.
Q: Why don’t you give out the address before the day of the party?
A: This is common practice among adult private parties, as well as for independent models and Dommes. It is to ensure everyone’s safety and privacy. Giving out the address prematurely leaves the event and everyone attending vulnerable to outsiders who may not have the best intentions. There is no need to send emails asking for the location before the day of the party – it will be sent the day of the event only.
Q: What does the cost of my ticket go to? Are sessions included?
A: Sessions are NOT included with your ticket. You must bring CASH (and cash only, no payment apps) for sessions. Cost of ticket goes towards the following:
- Event space Rental. All event spaces have rental costs – which generally range between $100-$200 per hour. This is quite expensive, especially for a relatively small number of guests – and post-pandemic, inflation has caused prices to raise higher than ever before. The bulk of your ticket price therefore, goes directly towards the cost of private space rental. We provide fully private, discreet, and safe event spaces – but these spaces come at a large overhead cost.
- Event security. We have security staff on site at each party for the safety of our models.
- Footnight International Royalties. To be affiliated with Footnight, each and every event is required to pay a percentage of the door towards FNI royalties, which go towards their overhead costs (labor, web hosting fees, graphic design, legal costs, etc).
- Taxes. We operate a legitimate LLC business, and are therefore subject to taxes, just like everyone else. In 2022, the federal corporate income tax rate is 21%, with many states adding their own taxes on top of that. Along with the corporate income tax, any profits or dividends distributed to members are subject to capital gains tax.
- Web hosting. Associated monthly/annual costs of operating a website and owning a domain.
- Labor. Footnight New England does not operate on it’s own. Putting together every event can be anywhere from 6-10 hours of work, and we do believe in paying at least minimum hourly wage to those responsible for organizing and promoting each event, including correspondence with guests, answering dozens of questions that come in every month, casting new models, and time spent to verify/vet both new guests and models. The small amount of profit we sometimes make goes towards paying our event staff for general labor.
We hope that taking the time to explain the less enjoyable aspects of running our events can aid in understanding and appreciating the amount of effort, time, and logistics that go into each and every event – no matter how big or small.
Q: I know someone I think would be a good model for your parties – can I refer her/them?
A: Yes! Simply contact us directly to give us a heads up – and then have the potential model fill out the application form. If she/they are accepted and attend a party, we will give you $20 off your next ticket entry as a thank you. (Note: We currently are not accepting any male-identifying models at this time.)